What a corporate lawyer should know. What does a lawyer need to know and be able to do? Services of a corporate lawyer of the company "UK Triumph"

Almost every organization has a lawyer who ensures the normal operation of the enterprise in the field of compliance current legislation. The main responsibilities of a corporate lawyer and legal counsel in both cases are aimed at this. But specialization corporate lawyer is a little different.

Corporate lawyer is a specialist who has additional knowledge about methodological and regulatory materials that allow regulating economic and production activities enterprises. Distinctive Features corporate lawyer from a legal consultant are as follows:

  • Corporate lawyer must develop constituent documents;
  • Coordinate the work on introducing shareholder registers;
  • Define legal basis bodies of the enterprise, etc.

Corporate lawyer must also have knowledge of specialized laws, for example, the law on LLCs and JSCs, which regulates the procedure for creating economic activity enterprises.

Thus, the activities carried out corporate lawyer , for a legal entity is necessary and justified. She is more responsible because making professional decisions can move a firm beyond new stage development, but to deprive control over the activities of a JSC or LLC, with the further transfer of companies under the control of other persons, along with all property rights, i.e. You could completely lose your entire business. In such cases, our professional lawyer in the field of corporate law will provide legal support for certain corporate procedures or business in general, which will definitely allow you to avoid unwanted negative consequences and raider takeovers of your business.

Twenty years ago, controversial issues between companies were often resolved with the involvement of criminal structures or during direct negotiations between businessmen. Now they have learned to solve such issues in a different way; a position has appeared as a corporate lawyer, who deals not only with checking documents and contracts, but also with all legal issues that arise for a company in practice.

You will learn:

  • What does a corporate lawyer do?
  • How can a corporate lawyer cooperate with a company?
  • What services of a corporate lawyer does a company need?
  • What does the job description of a corporate lawyer include?
  • Where to look for a corporate lawyer.
  • How to hire a corporate lawyer.

Who is a corporate lawyer and what does he do?

IN modern world The company's lawyer is a key employee, without whose thorough verification no contract can be signed. The knowledge and experience of a corporate lawyer are a guarantee of the success and prosperity of the company. A good lawyer is not one who wins legal disputes and decides corporate conflicts, but the one who will not allow them to appear in practice.

Entering new markets, acquiring assets, attracting new investors are far from the only cases when strengthening legal support in a company is required. After all, a corporate lawyer is not just a consultant on legal issues, he is a direct participant in all decisions made in the company.

The work of a corporate lawyer can be compared to the role of a ship's navigator, who guides his cruiser to a given goal, avoiding collisions with dangerous reefs and underwater currents.

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What is the main function of a corporate lawyer?

This and legal support work, debugging of all business processes of the company, compliance with laws, development of procedural aspects for taking actions aimed at protecting the interests of the property of the enterprise, and much more.

But one of the most important tasks that a competent corporate lawyer sets for himself is to work proactively, the need to anticipate the development of the situation and prevent its negative consequences. In addition, the development of new investment projects currently depends on the expert opinion of a corporate lawyer.

Such projects are among the most difficult cases, since they require from a corporate lawyer not only an understanding of the general mechanisms of work, knowledge from related areas of law, but also a creative approach to the case. To summarize, it should be noted that the role of a corporate lawyer is extremely important for the successful and continuous development of a company.

The history of the emergence of the profession of “corporate lawyer” in Russia

It should be noted that the profession of “corporate lawyer,” so popular in the West, was not in demand in Russia for a long time. The need for lawyers with knowledge in the field of tax, customs, and banking appeared only in the late 1980s among the first private enterprises.

With the advent of business in Russia, the first centers for providing legal assistance began to emerge, and soon Western companies were drawn to Russia, ready to provide legal services to private entrepreneurs, the so-called International Law Firm, abbreviated ILF, or ILFs, and similar companies.

Russian law firms originated as an association of various types of lawyers in guilds and collegiums, which offered their clients service according to the old model, when one lawyer was responsible for all the issues of one client. The lack of specialization in a specific range of issues was inconvenient for clients who needed sophisticated solutions in the narrowest areas of corporate law.

Therefore, very quickly Western firms became strong competitors to domestic legal consulting, offering team solutions to corporate issues. Among such companies, the first to appear on the scene were Baker & McKenzie (1989), PricewaterhouseCoopers (1989), White & Case (1989), Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (1990), Chadbourne & Parke (1990). Of course, the management of the Russian representative offices of such companies consisted entirely of foreign citizens, who were already selecting a staff of lawyers locally.

Having gained experience and received the necessary practice, Russian lawyers were able to restructure and give a worthy answer to the Western Ilves. This is how the first Russian law firms, the so-called rules, or Russian Law Firm, abbreviated RLF, were born. They were fully staffed with Russian lawyers and could offer a good alternative in terms of prices for services.

Further, the situation developed in such a way that some of the lawyers who had worked in the ILFs and gained serious experience in doing business in the Western style began to move to the Russian Rulefs. key positions. Such integration has led to a general enrichment of Russian corporate law, combining Western experience and Russian business practice.

The so-called rilfs (from the merger of two types of companies - rilfs and ilfs) were able to widely declare themselves not only in Russian market, but also when conducting affairs of an international nature.

In addition to the confrontation between the Rolfs and Ilfs, in the corporate market legal services unfolded competitive fight two types of lawyers: consultants and in-house lawyers.

It was not always convenient for business managers to contact consulting services to resolve legal issues; they wanted a corporate lawyer to always be at hand and know all the internal nuances of the company’s affairs. So in the early nineties, the first lawyers began to appear working on the company’s staff, that is, inhouses (Russian tracing paper from the English inhouse - “internal, not beyond the scope of the organization”).

The concept of working within one organization has interested many lawyers who have worked in large Russian and international companies. There was no longer a need to sell your service to new clients every day; now you could focus on your legal practice and the interests of one employer.

Lawyers international companies could apply for high positions of heads of legal departments in large corporations and companies. Business owners were happy to hire such applicants, well understanding the experience that former consultants who had worked with Western partners had.

For lawyers who find themselves in similar company, new opportunities appeared: to independently make decisions on legal issues, recruit a staff for yourself, and the financial component here was often much higher than in the position of a partner in a consulting firm. Large oil and gas, banking, investment and industrial companies could afford to pay the head of the legal department a decent salary.

We must pay tribute that even with the advent of in-house lawyers, company owners did not stop working with consulting firms, explaining this by the need to have several professional opinions on important issues. Especially in situations that differ from the usual range of issues dealt with by in-house lawyers.

It was also customary to turn to consultants when the issue became private and required keeping the nuances of the case secret: according to the legislation in force at that time, external lawyers with the status of advocates were subject to the obligation to maintain attorney-client privilege (Article 8 Federal Law dated May 31, 2002 No. 63-FZ “On advocacy and the legal profession in the Russian Federation”).

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How can a corporate lawyer cooperate with a company?

A modern corporate lawyer can be either a full-time specialist or a visiting one. As a rule, only large holdings, enterprises and organizations need their own legal department.

Owners of small and medium-sized businesses often prefer to use the services of an outsourced lawyer. A similar practice is observed in the accounting field, when a company’s reporting is handled by an external specialist. This is not only convenient, but also financially beneficial: there is no need to overpay an employee on staff when his help is not needed very often. It is much more interesting to enter into a service agreement with a certain law firm that will provide you with a corporate lawyer without burdening your budget with the high costs of maintaining a lawyer on staff.

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Expert opinion

For a small company, a full-time lawyer is not profitable

Alexander Orlov,

lawyer, Grad, Moscow

If the need for a lawyer arises quite often, but including him on staff is too burdensome for the company, you can conclude with legal advice subscriber service agreement. Its average cost for a small company is 25,000 rubles. per month. This is lower than a lawyer's rate and is tax advantageous.

Corporate lawyer or corporate lawyer

In modern Russian society, there is some confusion in the terms “lawyer”, “law firm”, “private practicing lawyer”. Let's try to understand their features.

The broadest powers among the above categories are vested in lawyers - lawyers who have the right to conduct not only administrative, civil, arbitration, but also criminal cases. To obtain the status of a lawyer, a lawyer must pass a special qualifying exam. Lawyers have the right to open their own law office, as well as to unite in bar associations and law bureaus.

A legal company is a team of specialists that consists of founders, external lawyers, legal assistants, as well as specialists in related industries.

It is thanks to the well-coordinated teamwork of the law firm There are a number of advantages over privately practicing lawyers and attorneys:

  • collegial work on a case;
  • the ability to replace a specialist in case of unforeseen situations (illness, expert leave);
  • obtaining competent advice from experts from related fields (forensic experts, financiers, etc.).

It is important to note that neither lawyers nor private practitioners have such a wide range of practice that law firms can provide to their clients.

What services of a corporate lawyer does a company need?

To date, none big company cannot function successfully without the services of a corporate lawyer. If previously the role of a lawyer in an organization was limited to checking contracts, then a modern corporate lawyer is a senior manager who makes important management decisions in the organization.

Let's look at the functionality of a corporate lawyer in a modern company:

1. Development of a decision-making procedure

The main task of a corporate lawyer in a company is to develop an effective mechanism for the organization’s work, coordinated interaction of all its links and, as a result, the company’s achievement of its goals. It is the corporate lawyer who develops the decision-making procedure based on the state of the company, its goals, objectives and existing risks.

This places a serious responsibility on the corporate lawyer to management for the work mechanisms he or she implements. Especially when it comes to crisis situations in the company, financial instability, threat bankruptcy, raider takeover and similar situations.

2. Legal support of new projects

At the startup development stage, it is very important to determine not only the financial profit of the project, but also possible legal risks. Even the most successful business from an economic point of view will be doomed to failure if the possible negative consequences are not calculated in advance. Identification of such risks and their competent elimination is a priority task of any corporate lawyer.

Legal support of projects is provided from their development to full implementation. After all, startupers often face various legal difficulties already in the initial stages of work. The lawyer’s task is to anticipate negative consequences and prevent their occurrence.


The Yubileiny agricultural holding specialized in beef cattle breeding, field farming and sausage production. At a certain point, the owner of the agricultural complex decided to try to introduce dairy production at the enterprise. For this there was everything necessary: ​​premises, equipment, land.

A hired corporate lawyer, after assessing all legal risks, drew the company’s attention to an existing problem: the lack of its own pastures to feed livestock.

The owner of the company planned to expand pastures at the expense of federal lands, but the corporate lawyer explained that these lands would not suit the status of the agricultural complex. It was almost impossible to change their status. The development of dairy production was under threat. After checking other options, the lawyer found a solution - to transfer the lands of abandoned villages to agricultural status. Thanks to the work of a corporate lawyer, the lands were quickly transferred to the required category, and the Yubileiny agricultural holding was able to successfully implement its project.

3. Monitoring the implementation of laws

Russian legislation is an extensive system of laws and regulations. It is quite difficult for a person who does not have a special legal education to understand its intricacies. And ignorance of the laws, as we know, does not exempt one from responsibility. At the slightest violation of existing standards, the organization is subject to serious fines and sanctions from supervisory authorities.

A corporate lawyer constantly monitors changes in legislation and, if necessary, brings the company’s documentation into compliance in advance.

Therefore, the cost of maintaining a corporate lawyer is disproportionately cheaper for a company than paying multimillion-dollar fines.

4. Development of asset protection schemes

No matter how well your business is running, there is always a risk of losing company assets. Moreover, the entire business may be at risk. Such a turn of events is possible in case of claims government agencies, work of competitors or raider takeover. There is nothing worse for a company owner than spending years developing his business and losing his brainchild overnight.

A corporate lawyer knows how to protect a company from such threats. After analyzing your situation, he will find schemes to effectively protect your business.

This is the very case when not only legal knowledge is needed, but also the expert opinion of economists and banking specialists.

  1. Debugging business processes

In order for a business to be effective, it is important to clearly debug the company’s existing business processes. The lawyer’s task is to help the manager build a system of work so that it does not fail even with the slightest changes.

What does the job description of a corporate lawyer include?

A lawyer in the field of corporate law must have a certain set of knowledge and skills corresponding to his qualifications. Let's look at the list of his competencies:

  • checking company documents for compliance with Russian legislation;
  • development of company documentation;
  • representation in court;
  • advising the company's senior management on legal issues;
  • resolving disputes with employees and clients;
  • providing employees with a legal framework;
  • analysis of document flow for legality;
  • participation in activities aimed at the development of the company;
  • control of the register of shareholders and equity holders, documenting relationships with them.

This is a standard list of job responsibilities of a corporate lawyer. Of course, in every specific organization the list may vary depending on its specifics, but in general the responsibilities correspond to those above.

To effectively perform official duties, a corporate lawyer is vested with the following powers:

  • obtain necessary information about the company from other departments;
  • lead business correspondence with authorities;
  • give instructions to company employees and demand their execution;
  • identify violations in the company and report them to management;
  • have access to all company documentation, propose measures to improve the company’s efficiency, and demand compliance with legal requirements.

In case of improper performance of his official duties, violation of the law, commission of illegal actions or causing material damage to the company’s property, the lawyer is responsible directly to the head of the company.

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Where to look for a corporate lawyer

Most effective method find a competent corporate lawyer – communicate with partners in your field. Find out what challenges they faced and how useful the collaboration was. This method is also suitable for foreign companies already operating on the Russian market.

Method 2.Chat with a Russian accounting provider

A local outsourcing provider can give a good recommendation in selecting a corporate lawyer. He owns up-to-date information about the Russian legal services market and can give valuable advice. As a rule, outsourcers work on the basic tasks of their clients themselves, and turn to law firms to solve more complex cases.

Method 3.Ask your outsourcing company for advice

Majority major providers legal services are members of international legal communities, such as the International Business Law Consortium (IBLC), Trans-European Law Firm Alliance (TELFA), etc. Such international organizations have uniform standards for the provision of services and quality control services. Therefore, your legal services provider is familiar with many Russian companies and will be able to give you a good recommendation.

5 criteria for choosing a candidate for the position of “corporate lawyer”

Criterion 1.experience

When hiring for legal departments, companies give preference to applicants who have experience working in large law firms. The chances of a university graduate without experience getting a position as a corporate lawyer are extremely low. If he goes to in-house from his student days, he will not be able to provide the company with the necessary practical knowledge and work skills that his fellow students who join the law firm will receive.

There are known cases when large American companies hired graduates from prestigious law schools to teach them the basics of working independently. For example, companies such as Hewlett-Packard and Pfizer hosted graduates in 2009. For the company, this was an opportunity to develop personnel for itself, saving on wages. And recent students had the opportunity to start a career in a large corporation, take an additional training course and prove themselves at work.

Criterion 2.Wide profile

Law firm employees are specialists in a specific area of ​​law. Inhouse lawyers, on the contrary, are general lawyers who successfully resolve legal issues in any field. Therefore, it is very important that an in-house lawyer has a broad profile of knowledge, high speed decision making, multitasking, the ability to correctly prioritize and correctly distribute authority. It is necessary for the in-house to have knowledge from such areas of law as securities, real estate, mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property and a number of other issues.

Representation of interests in court will be an undeniable advantage in the work, but often companies prefer to entrust the conduct of court cases to third-party law firms. Inhouse only exercises general control over the activities of the external lawyer.

The main criteria for selecting a candidate for an in-house position will be work experience and communication skills. The prestige of a law school or the professional merits of an applicant are not as important for the future in-house as for a candidate to become an employee of a law firm. Of course, exceptions are also possible.

It is important for an employer that an in-house candidate has information about the company and understands how the business works. The head of the company will prefer for the position of corporate lawyer someone who has already worked in a similar field, has the necessary experience and knows the essence of the matter from the inside.

Of course, there are exceptions. It depends on the priorities of the company and brand management.

Criterion 3.Creativity and efficiency

An applicant for an in-house position will urgently need a creative approach to business and a high KPI (a business indicator responsible for work efficiency). The ability to solve complex legal issues creatively with high speed and maximum benefit For the company.

As already noted, an in-house must have high communication skills, the ability to persuade, and defend one’s point of view not only when representing the company’s interests to third parties, but also within the company.

A corporate lawyer must be able to succinctly convey his thoughts to company employees. An indicator of its effectiveness will be successful completion assigned tasks, not hours worked. Company managers do not like in-house people who delay work, arguing that there are reasons why it is impossible to act within the framework of a given strategy, it is necessary to make sure that it is correct, etc.

In business, speed and responsiveness are important, so successful in-house firms, as a rule, do not have time to scrupulously hone their actions, unlike their colleagues from law firms. Inhouses need to have courage, business intuition and the ability to set priorities correctly. A lawyer in a business structure must be commercially oriented and focus primarily on those tasks that are most profitable for the company.

Criterion 4.Teamwork

A true corporate lawyer is a master of business negotiations with high communication skills. He knows how to convey his thoughts equally easily to a manager and an ordinary worker. Inhouses, as a rule, work to achieve common goal company, so they need to be able to work in a team, understand the role of each employee in the company and know how to make their work more effective.

Criterion 5.Leadership skills

The head of the legal department in a company, like any manager, must have the skills effective management employees, properly build motivation, be able to reward and punish subordinates, and, if necessary, fire them.

Proper distribution of accountable money is also an important responsibility of the in-house manager. Business owners greatly value managers (not just legal departments) who are able to perform a large volume of work with minimal costs human and monetary resources. If the head of the legal department is able to solve assigned tasks without resorting to the help of external legal advisers, this is a special achievement in the eyes of the director of the company.

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Step-by-step instructions on how to hire a corporate lawyer

Step 1.Invite several applicants and do a comparative analysis

In large cities, a huge number of candidates apply for one vacancy. It makes sense to carefully study those resumes that seem most interesting to you. When selecting, pay attention to the experience, education and field of activity of the responding applicant.

Step 2.Find out the list of won cases

At this stage, it is necessary to carefully study the information about the candidate’s won cases, see what companies he worked with, what kind of business he conducted. Pay attention to applicants who complete most of their cases at the pre-trial stage of proceedings. Bringing the case to court indicates that the lawyer was unable to foresee and/or avoid such developments.

Step 3.Test your knowledge of corporate law

Prepare questions for the interview or test for applicants. Feel free to ask candidates questions about corporate law that interest you. If the candidates’ answers are not accurate and detailed, invite the next ones.

Step 4.Select one candidate

From those candidates who seemed to you the most competent, choose the one who you liked the most as a person. You will have daily communication for a long time, it is important that it is comfortable.

It is important to emphasize that all potential candidates must be a good fit for you. professional qualities and work experience. Making a choice based on personal preferences can expose the company to serious risk or become a victim of fraud.

Step 5.Enter into a contract

When hiring a corporate lawyer on staff, you need to enter into an agreement with him employment contract and provide bonuses for successful completion of assigned tasks. This will motivate the employee to do the work as efficiently and conscientiously as possible. If we are talking about choosing an outsourced lawyer, you need to carefully read the proposed contract, discuss all aspects of the work and, only after making sure that you understand each other, sign the contract.

Common misconceptions about the work of a corporate lawyer

1. Only lawyers can work in courts

Exactly this big misconception. On the contrary, law firms actively work with court cases! For many large law firms, litigation is their core business. As a rule, top specialists of law firms are more competent experts compared to lawyers: they have more practical experience in the field of judicial representation.

2. The more experienced the lawyer, the faster he resolves issues.

No and no again! Extreme short term Only an inexperienced lawyer can promise a solution to a complex case. A typical trial lasts at least three months. Often more, but never less. And an experienced lawyer will not rush to file your claim in court. He will carefully collect the necessary evidence, get acquainted with judicial practice, will check the legal basis before finalizing its position in a claim.

3. Profile division of lawyers

If you still think that lawyers working on the Russian market are divided by specialization, you are deeply mistaken. Practice shows that neither lawyers, nor private legal practitioners, much less law firms, work strictly according to a specific profile. Even if a lawyer advertises that he deals exclusively with family matters, this does not mean that he will refuse a client who came to him on a different issue. Of course, some lawyers or advocates prefer to deal with the same type of cases because they have become skilled in them, but it would be wrong to talk about a specialized division.

However, there are categories of cases that require lawyers to have appropriate qualifications. We are talking about construction and tax disputes. In such matters, you should seek advice from experienced professionals. Otherwise, you may lose not only time, but also money by agreeing to work with the first lawyer you come across who does not have the relevant experience.

4. Practice in similar cases

Another common misconception is to only consider professionals who have handled cases similar to yours. But how can this be done if the Civil Code contains more than 1,500 articles? Where can I find a good specialist for each standard?

In addition, legislation is constantly changing, accordingly arbitrage practice does not stand still. If a lawyer is competent, he will be able to apply his knowledge in any area of ​​law.

Interesting facts about the career of a corporate lawyer

For any corporate lawyer, the pinnacle of his career will be the position of head of the legal department in a large state corporation or company with state participation.

After several years successful work in a company, in-house lawyers become so indispensable that managers often introduce them into top management, as happened with Denis Morozov and Andrey Klishas from Norilsk Nickel, Maxim Sokov from Rusal, Olga Paskina from Profmedia, Vladislav Zabelin from Promsvyazkapital.

In some cases, a former lawyer may be invited to the board of directors, that is, entrusted with business management and profit distribution. Nikolay Dubik from OJSC Gazprom-Media Holding, Elia Nikolaou from the Mother and Child group of companies, and Igor Shpagin from OJSC Atomenergomash can boast of a similar success story.

Some heads of in-house departments, having gained experience in large holding, choose the creation path own business, such as Steven Polyakov from Deutsche UFG.

There are also completely unexpected transitions, when Igor Marmalidi left his position as head of the legal department of Citibank to work as a partner in the Pepeliaev Group.

The legal services market in Russia is rapidly developing, new forms of communities are emerging, such as legal boutiques.

Boutiques (French Boutique – shop, small store) are distinguished by a narrow profile and a high level of qualification of specialists. They are in no hurry to turn into large legal monsters, since it is their small size, narrow profile and collegiality in decision-making that sets them apart from their competitors. Such firms have the opportunity to apply an individual approach to each client.

To summarize, it should be noted that today, working as a corporate lawyer is one of the most prestigious areas of jurisprudence. This is a well-paid activity with unlimited opportunities for professional and career growth. Of course, it is characterized by a high level of competition and struggle for top positions. Today, when choosing a job, candidates give preference to the in-house direction, since they associate this with great prospects in their future career.

Information about the experts

Alexander Orlov, lawyer, Grad, Moscow. Alexander Orlov is a certified specialist in the field of jurisprudence, psychology and organization of security systems. Since 2005 - one of the managers of MCA Grad, specializing in corporate conflicts. Member of the Russian Lawyers' Association, teacher at the Russian School of Management. Author of the books “War for Market Shares: Competitive Battles Without Rules”, “Business Organization: Competently Building Your Business” and several others. "Grad" is the Moscow Bar Association. Founded in 2005. Official website – www.mkagrad.ru.

Work in the field of jurisprudence is popular, relevant and incredibly in demand these days. The area is quite wide, there are also plenty of jobs, but the number of specialists with a legal education is off the charts. Since this area has become extremely prestigious and promising in career terms since the beginning of 2000, many people have been trained in this area.

Therefore good workplace always implies a big competition. This article examines the position of “corporate lawyer,” what responsibilities are assigned to a person in this profession, and what is included in the range of his competencies. In addition, at the end it will be discussed what must be included in your resume in order to draw the attention of a potential employer to your candidacy.

Who is a corporate lawyer

Who are lawyers? These people protect our rights, represent our interests, help with the preparation of various documentation, in general, they do everything to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens provided for by law. There are many branches of law: administrative, civil, international, family, and so on.

A corporate lawyer, as can be easily guessed from the name of the specialty, is associated with organizations, firms, corporations and their office work. His responsibilities may include a lot of nuances, actions, knowledge, points and sub-points. Everything can start with simply drawing up an agreement with the buyer and end with representing the interests of a huge organization in court in international level- the boundaries of competence depend only on the size of the organization itself and its field of activity.

Legal department: varieties

A corporate lawyer can work both within a company and outside of it. The system is almost the same as with consulting accounting, only in this case the person who comes is not an accountant, but a lawyer.

They usually have their own legal departments large enterprises, joint stock companies, holdings. In small and medium-sized businesses, it is expensive to maintain your own lawyer, since it requires appropriate remuneration, and his help is not required very often.

Owners of small and medium-sized businesses turn to third-party legal organizations, where they assign a specialist who deals with the issues of this company. Such labor relationships also require financial investments, but their volumes are not as large as the monthly salary and contributions to social funds when hiring your own specialist within the organization’s staff.

What does a lawyer do in an organization?

A corporate lawyer can bear quite a large amount of work. The scope of his activities includes the following list of actions:

  • Development of a constituent package of documents.
  • Registration of legally valid and most beneficial for the employer under the terms of contracts with suppliers, clients, contractors, commission agents and other counterparties of the organization.
  • Consulting management and other internal users on various issues related to legal structures and information.
  • Regulation of legal relations between the organization and its employees.
  • Representing the interests of the organization in the event of resolving conflict situations in court and various authorities.

Depending on the scope of the organization, its size and other aspects of its activities, this list of items may be supplemented.

Job description: corporate lawyer

Lawyer in the field of corporations and organizations, as well as their internal and external activities Must know and practice a specific range of functions, skills and information. Such knowledge and skills include the following:

  • documents for compliance with legislation;
  • development of forms of documents and contracts;
  • representation of the organization in court;
  • consultation of departments of the organization on legal issues;
  • disputes with personnel and clients;
  • providing employees with a legal framework;
  • checking document flow for legality;
  • participation and consulting in the development and expansion of the organization;
  • control of shareholders, as well as formalization of relations with them.

All this is included in the track record of the position “corporate lawyer”. Responsibilities in each specific organization may vary slightly, but will remain generally similar to the list presented.

It is worth noting that a lawyer in an organization is subordinate directly to the manager, and is also a personnel accounting unit independent from other departments.

Rights and responsibilities

To fully implement his functions, a lawyer is vested with the following rights:

  • obtain information about the organization and its records management from other structural divisions;
  • conduct business correspondence with authorities;
  • give instructions that are binding on other employees;
  • report violations to management and independently take measures to eliminate them;
  • familiarize yourself with any documents, make proposals for the development of the organization to management, and demand compliance with legal requirements.

A lawyer also has responsibilities. He is responsible for improper execution their official duties, unlawful actions and violations of the law, as well as for causing material damage to the organization’s property.

What to write in your resume

Summary - business card any specialist, including a lawyer. In order to increase your chance of getting a good job, you should approach writing a “corporate lawyer” resume with all seriousness. Be sure to include your education and work experience. Experience in Retail and FMCG is preferred.

The best corporate lawyer must be proficient in foreign languages. Your resume should at least include English language Intermediate level. Tell us in detail about your actions at previous places of work. Important points such as legal expertise, creation and development corporate ethics, use of the regulatory framework, procedural law of various areas.

If a candidate has successful cases decided in court in favor of their clients, they should be described in detail in the applicant’s application form. Previously, there was an opinion about the brevity of a resume: the best should have been placed on one page of A4 sheet. Now personnel officers deny the need for this.

If you really have a wealth of experience, you should describe it in as much detail as possible. Then there is a much greater chance of being noticed by large firms, in which both salary expectations will be met and career available.

Where can I order the services of a remote lawyer in corporate law? What are the responsibilities of a corporate litigation lawyer? Who offers high-quality legal services for the company?

Your company has created an entire legal department, but is it of little use? It seems that all lawyers are excellent guys with extensive work experience, but when it comes to financial or business issues, you have to attract additional resources - people with the appropriate education.

This state of affairs is unacceptable. Not only do you have to support several lawyers, but you also have to pay other specialists for their services. The result is low management efficiency and inflated staff costs.

A corporate lawyer will help you solve the problem. What kind of specialist is this and why he is able to replace an entire department of useless “office plankton”, I will tell you, Valery Chemakin, a legal consultant.

In addition, you will learn about the features of selecting such valuable “personnel” for work on an ongoing basis. If you only need to solve periodic problems, then read the review of companies that provide corporate lawyer services in the business field.

1. Who is a corporate lawyer?

Modern business requires constant legal support. After all, starting from the creation of an enterprise and ending with daily routine work, a manager is faced with complex problems. Solving them requires knowledge in several areas of not only law, but also economics, management, as well as an understanding of business processes.

Of no small importance for the success of a business is the ability to negotiate with partners and representatives of supervisory departments and authorities. It is unlikely that a general practice lawyer is capable of this. This is where you will need a corporate lawyer who must know and be able to do everything that I listed above.

What does a corporate lawyer do:

  • prepares the constituent documents of the enterprise;
  • maintains records of shareholders;
  • develops local legal acts;
  • optimizes business processes thanks to knowledge in economics;
  • organizes business protection from raider attacks;
  • your company.

Economics for a corporate lawyer is of the same importance as jurisprudence, therefore, in order to obtain the appropriate knowledge, an existing specialist must undergo advanced training.

Many law schools today are already preparing bachelors and masters in corporate law, in curriculum of which the economy occupies a large volume.

2. What services does a corporate lawyer provide - TOP 5 main services

Today, not a single self-respecting company can do without the services of a corporate lawyer, job responsibilities which is not limited to the preparation of contracts. If earlier a lawyer at a company was a small clerk carrying out the task of the boss, today he is a full-fledged manager belonging to the highest echelon.

Let's figure out what a corporate lawyer does in a modern company.

Service 1. Development of a decision-making procedure

Corporate legal work is an activity associated with the development and adoption of management decisions, which are aimed at achieving the best results in business. Therefore, the lawyer, along with the company’s management, is responsible for its stable functioning.

It develops a decision-making procedure based on the existing economic, commercial and legal risks. Top managers listen to his opinion. The services of a corporate lawyer are especially in demand during periods of instability or increased risks of business takeover by third parties.

Service 2. Legal support of new projects

When developing new commercial projects, not only their economic, but also their legal justification is important. After all, even a very profitable business that carries increased legal risks cannot be implemented until its security is established at an acceptable level. This is also the task of a corporate lawyer.

He accompanies the entire project implementation process from start to finish. Only this approach will lead the company to success. After all, new initiatives often bring problems during their implementation. The lawyer’s task is to predict them and competently circumvent them.


The Yubileiny agricultural holding is engaged in beef cattle breeding and field farming, and also has its own sausage shop. At some point, the company decided to start a new business for itself, namely dairy production.

It would seem that everything was taken into account: we have our own fields, premises for livestock, necessary equipment and resources. It was absolutely correct that management hired a corporate lawyer to calculate all the existing legal risks. It turned out that the existing fields were not able to feed the planned number of cows.

Need pastures. This is where a problem arises that only a lawyer could detect. To expand farmland, it is necessary to use a large share of federal lands, the status of which is almost impossible to change.

However, it turned out that there was another option - to transfer the lands of several abandoned villages to agricultural status. This is what the corporate lawyer did. As a result, the ambitious project was successfully implemented.

Service 3. Monitoring the implementation of laws

Modern legislation is so confusing and complex that company management is unable to keep all the nuances in mind. After all, the prosecutor’s office and other supervisory authorities are ready to “pick on” even the slightest violation in order to “cut down their daw.” The result is exorbitant fines and other sanctions.

A corporate lawyer constantly monitors the implementation of laws and monitors their changes. Its maintenance costs the company disproportionately less than paying multimillion-dollar fines.

Service 4. Development of asset protection schemes

It's no secret that modern business exposed to constant risk of loss. The factors contributing to this vary. These include claims from government agencies, the activities of competitors, and even a banal Raider seizure with all the accompanying attributes.

The task of a corporate lawyer is to minimize these risks by developing an effective asset protection scheme. This is where knowledge in economics and banking comes in handy.

Service 5. Debugging business processes

In economics there is such a thing as kpi - these are key performance indicators, in the achievement of which a corporate lawyer takes the most active part. Proper establishment of business processes allows you to organize the operation of an enterprise in such a way that it will not fail at the slightest trouble.

Thus, having a corporate lawyer on staff allows you to:

  • reduce costs for maintaining unnecessary specialists;
  • reduce the risk of business takeover;
  • develop the most effective business schemes;
  • protect yourself from excessive attention regulatory authorities;
  • always have an excellent legal consultant with you.

Where can you find a lawyer who would fully meet the corporate professional standard? If you want an answer, read on.

3. How to choose a corporate lawyer - 5 simple steps

If you have big company, it makes sense to include a corporate lawyer on her staff, since there is always a need for his services.

For small firms, it is more economically feasible to obtain such a service from an independent specialist or from an employee of a law office. Some even provide it remotely via the Internet.

Let's consider the algorithm for selecting a corporate lawyer

Step 1. Select several candidates and compare

If you live in a large city, then a considerable number of lawyers will apply for your vacancy. Explore their websites, make inquiries, and select a few candidates who inspire the most confidence. Pay attention to education, work experience and area of ​​recent activity.

Step 2. Studying the portfolio of lawyers

Study the portfolio carefully. If it is missing, pass by. Pay attention not only to the number of court cases won, but (even primarily) to the number of disputes resolved out of court.

Look at which companies the specialist has collaborated with and take the time to make inquiries about them. If these are successful companies, then everything is fine.

Step 3. Pay attention to how the lawyer understands the field of corporate law

Prepare a few corporate law questions and ask them to the candidate. If they cause difficulties, it is unlikely that you have a good specialist in front of you - look for another one. You can even prepare a whole test if you want to hire a person for a permanent job.

Step 4. Select one candidate

Of all the lawyers who have passed your competitive selection, choose the one that resonates with you the most as a person. After all, you work with him, and communication and interaction should be comfortable for both parties. Just make sure that emotions do not prevail over reason, otherwise there is a risk of becoming a victim of a scammer.

Step 5. Conclude an agreement

If you hire a full-time corporate lawyer, enter into a standard employment contract with him with the possibility of paying bonuses for successfully solved tasks. This will stimulate him to improve himself. When choosing a corporate lawyer on outsourcing terms, carefully read the contract, discuss all the nuances and sign it.

Now you can take a little break and watch a thematic video.

4. Where to order the services of a corporate lawyer - review of the TOP 3 law firms

Today, many well-known and not so well-known legal companies provide business support services. After all small firms cannot afford to maintain a full-time employee on a permanent basis highly paid specialist, and they are quite capable of hiring him to perform certain tasks.

Here is an overview of several companies that provide one-time services or even provide legal support for businesses on an outsourcing basis.

But before we get to them, here is the contact of an excellent legal professional:

Residents of Moscow can be helped to resolve issues related to corporate disputes by corporate dispute lawyer Igor Yurievich Noskov.

Property, personal, organizational corporate disputes - any of these situations require the participation of a professional with extensive experience and an extensive portfolio of successful cases, who is able to understand the situation and advise any of the parties.

You can sign up for a consultation with Igor Yuryevich by filling out a simple form on the website. After submitting your application, you will be contacted within 15 minutes.

If you want to receive advice or more serious services from a corporate lawyer online, then this is definitely the place for you. This company specializes in providing legal assistance via the Internet. unites more than 18 thousand independent lawyers.

At least several hundred of them have extensive experience in corporate law. To simply get a consultation, go to the website and ask your question in the chat or call a multi-channel phone. Based on the topic, the most suitable available specialist will contact you.

After a small payment, you will become the owner of valuable knowledge that will help solve the problem that has arisen. If you need to examine any documents, no problem. The corporate lawyer will walk you through the scanned copies that you send to him by email.

You will receive the result through the same communication channel. This work scheme is convenient for those who live in small towns or rural areas, where it is impossible to find a “live” corporate lawyer. In addition, by agreement, Pravoveda’s lawyer will work with you “offline”, for example, as a representative in court.

2) Legal Support Center

This company is engaged in solving any legal problems, including in the field of corporate law. The center's lawyers will help you resolve disputes with partners or contractors, deal with tax and labor conflicts, and protect yourself during inspections by regulatory authorities.

In addition they:

  • create, reorganize or liquidate an enterprise;
  • establish or redistribute shares in the authorized capital;
  • solve complex management issues;
  • systematize the securities register.

All this is just one call or contact via chat on the website.

Prices for services are publicly posted on this company's website. They are quite affordable. Moreover, solving corporate problems is the most mature area of ​​the company’s activities, and therefore occurs with the highest quality possible.

Here are some services and explanations for them:

Service typeDescription
1 ChallengingJudicial and out-of-court resolution of disputes regarding transactions and decisions of general meetings
2 Founding activityCreation, reorganization, liquidation and bankruptcy of enterprises with full documentary support
3 Financial securityWithdrawal of assets and their protection, countering attempts to take over a business
4 Personnel issuesDismissal and removal of top management, resolution of controversial issues between founders or shareholders

5. What to look for when choosing a corporate lawyer - 3 simple rules

From the right choice corporate lawyer depends not only financial well-being the company, but also its reputation, and sometimes even the freedom of management. Therefore, you need to choose a specialist with special care.

Here are a few rules to follow in this process.

Rule 1.

Before hiring a corporate litigation lawyer, carefully review his or her reputation. Read forums on serious business portals, make inquiries among your friends.

He must be not only good specialist, but also a decent person. Ethics for a corporate lawyer should be paramount. After all, he will know all your secrets.

Rule 2. Don't chase savings

A good specialist in corporate law is expensive. Don’t expect to get the desired result from yesterday’s bachelor’s student who has no work experience but does it for pennies. You should not save on such serious things as business security and its strategic development.

Recently, company managers, when deciding to hire a lawyer to the company’s staff, have sought to designate the position of this specialist as a “corporate lawyer.” This is not always justified, since in foreign legal terminology a corporation is an association of persons (shareholders) registered in accordance with established by law order and recognized as a legal entity. The concept of "corporation" in Russian law The most appropriate concept is “joint stock company”. It cannot be said that this concept is used lawfully in legislation and literature. But in any case, it should be remembered that the difference between the concepts of “corporate lawyer” and “enterprise lawyer” lies in the scope of the functions performed. A corporate lawyer, in addition to resolving general legal issues of an enterprise, must have a perfect knowledge of shareholder law: the requirements for creating joint stock companies; types of shares, procedure for their registration; rules for forming blocks of shares and making transactions with shares; stock accounting; the essence of the dividend policy, etc. If Western countries Since the work of a corporate lawyer is limited only to serving corporate interests, Russian enterprises strive to have universal lawyers who will perform all other legal work at the enterprise. Job description, given below, was compiled just for such a station wagon.

I. General provisions

1. A corporate lawyer belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person with a higher professional (legal) degree is appointed to the position of corporate lawyer.

education, work experience as a legal adviser of at least

3. A corporate lawyer should know:

3.1. Regulatory and methodological materials regulating the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

3.2. Profile, specialization and features of the enterprise structure.

3.3. Civil, entrepreneurial, commercial, administrative, labor, financial, tax, ____________________, other areas of legislation.

3.4. Arbitration procedural, civil procedural law, fundamentals of criminal procedural law.

3.5. Standards for paperwork based on legal documents.

3.6. Structure of government bodies, bodies local government, judicial authorities.

3.7. The procedure for systematizing, recording and maintaining legal documentation using modern information technologies.

3.8. Administration Basics.

3.9. Ethics of business communication.

3.10. Economics and organization of production, labor and management.

3.11. Fundamentals of labor legislation.

3.12. Labor protection rules and regulations.

4. Appointment to the position of a lawyer and dismissal from the position are made by order of the head of the enterprise.

5. A corporate lawyer reports directly to the head of the enterprise.

6. During the absence of a lawyer (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and bears responsibility for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

1. Carries out the development of constituent documents; provides registration legal entities, emissions valuable shares, amendments to constituent documents; coordinates the work on maintaining shareholder registers (by third-party organizations); determines the legal basis of the enterprise’s bodies (develops provisions on the powers General meeting, about the board of directors, about the board, about the audit commission, etc.); develops regulations on transactions related to the acquisition or alienation of property; coordinates transactions with shares of the enterprise; determines the legal basis for dividend policy at the enterprise and

carries out its coordination;

2. Organizes work: to provide the enterprise with laws, regulations legal documents necessary for the activities of the enterprise; on accounting and maintenance of regulatory legal databases

3. Provides divisions of the enterprise and individual specialists with the regulatory legal acts necessary for them to carry out their functions and responsibilities.

4. Carries out: checking the compliance with the legislation of draft orders, instructions, regulations and other legal documents submitted to the head of the enterprise for signature; checking compliance with the stages of approval of draft documents with responsible employees; approval of draft documents; issuing orders to responsible employees of the enterprise to amend or cancel acts caused by changes in federal legislation.

5. Conducts contractual work at the enterprise: determines the forms of contractual relations; develops draft agreements; checks compliance with the legislation of draft contracts submitted to the enterprise by counterparties; takes measures to resolve disagreements on draft agreements; provides notarization and/or state registration individual species contracts;

6. Analyzes contractual work at the enterprise, develops programs for its revision and change, checks the status of contractual work in the structural divisions of the enterprise.

7. Conducts claims work at the enterprise: ensures registration of claims received from counterparties and their consideration; prepares responses to received claims and makes draft decisions on satisfaction or refusal to satisfy received claims; prepares claims to counterparties, sends them to counterparties and monitors the satisfaction of claims sent to counterparties;

8. Conducts claim work: takes measures to comply with the pre-arbitration procedure for resolving contractual disputes; prepares statements of claim and materials and submits them to arbitration courts; studies copies statements of claim on claims against the enterprise; ensures maintenance of a data bank on claim work; represents the interests of the enterprise in arbitration courts;

9. Prepares applications, applications and other documents to obtain licenses and permits necessary for the activities of the enterprise.

10. Participates in the development of documents related to issues of ensuring the safety of the enterprise’s property (liability agreements; instructions establishing the procedure for receipt and acceptance at the enterprise material assets, accounting for their movement; instructions for accounting for the release and release of finished products;

etc.); checks and endorses employee liability agreements.

11. Verifies the legality of the dismissal and transfer of employees, and the imposition of disciplinary sanctions on them.

12. Represents the interests of the enterprise during inspections carried out at the enterprise by state control and supervisory authorities for the purpose of legal control over compliance with procedural actions by inspectors, the validity and correctness of the inspectors’ conclusions, registration of inspection results and the preparation of procedural documents;

13. Represents on behalf of the enterprise in state supervisory authorities authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses detected at the enterprise; prepares and sends complaints about actions officials state supervisory authorities, on administrative penalties unlawfully imposed on the enterprise.

14. Provides written and oral consultation to employees of the enterprise on various legal issues, provides legal assistance in drawing up legal documents.

A corporate lawyer has the right:

1. Request and receive from structural units information, reference and other materials necessary to perform the duties provided for in this job description.

2. Conduct independent correspondence with state, municipal and judicial authorities on legal issues.

3. Represent the enterprise in the prescribed manner in the authorities state power, other institutions and organizations, on legal issues.

4. Giving structural divisions and for individual specialists, mandatory instructions on legal issues.

5. Take measures when violations of the law are detected at the enterprise and report these violations to the head of the enterprise to bring those responsible to justice.

6. In agreement with the head of the enterprise, attract experts and specialists in the field of law for consultations, preparation of opinions, recommendations and proposals.

7. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

8. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

9. Require the management of the enterprise to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

A corporate lawyer is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Corporate Lawyer

When are the services of a corporate lawyer needed?

Legal entities of various legal statuses seek independent professional support in necessary situations. The main reasons that most often require the intervention of a lawyer are:

  • raider takeovers, other controversial takeovers and mergers of enterprises;
  • problems with registration, closure and bankruptcy of a legal entity;
  • significant disagreements between the founders, participants or third parties whose interests were affected;
  • the need for legally competent drafting and amendment statutory documents and agreements with counterparties;
  • participation in arbitration courts of various levels of subordination.

The practical experience of lawyers allows us to conduct a pre-trial study of the problem and find a compromise between the parties to the conflict. Professional assistance significantly improves the status of legal entities, reduces risks and increases positive conflict resolution.

Registration of a legal address for a home address

Good afternoon. Please tell me if an LLC can be registered legal address to the home address of the founder (aka general director) according to registration? If possible, please tell me how to do this. Thank you.

Which employees have the right to sign contracts with contractors?

Good afternoon! Is it possible to sign an agreement on the basis of an order? There is an order drawn up for employee, in the order it is stated that he has the right to sign contracts. The counterparty makes a claim and refuses to sign, because certifies the contract has.

Approval of a settlement agreement in case of bankruptcy of a citizen, without the consent of the secured creditor

Can the court approve a settlement agreement in case of bankruptcy of a citizen if there is the consent of the majority of votes, but there is no consent of the secured creditor? According to the global agreement, the third party pays off the entire register in full within three years.

How to change the founder of an LLC in 2 stages?

Hello! We need help in preparing documents to change the founder and director of an LLC (the same person) to a new person. I just need help with paperwork. Everything else (notary, going to the tax office - I’ll do it myself)

DS with a branch to an agreement with the parent organization

How is an agreement drawn up with a branch, formalized as an additional agreement to the main one with the parent organization?

Where to start the bankruptcy procedure if I haven’t paid my loans for more than five years?

Hello! I have several unpaid loans that I have not paid for more than 5 years. I don’t have any property or anything else that the bailiffs could confiscate. Collectors regularly send letters and periodically call me and my relatives. .

Is it possible to recognize a transaction as void if the director was appointed as the sole participant of the LLC?

The transaction (receivables assignment agreement) was concluded by a Director appointed only by resolution the only participant Company, but not registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities either at the time of the transaction (February 2013) or to date. Designated Director, .

How to cancel loan obligations in the event of bankruptcy of the creditor LLC?

I have an individual entrepreneur, I took a loan from an LLC, which is now going bankrupt, the LLC has no claims against me regarding the debt. How can this be done correctly in accounting so that the bankruptcy trustee does not demand repayment of this debt?

Can a founder with a large share sell a trademark without agreeing on a price?

The company has three co-founders, one of whom has 51%. Can a founder who has a large share sell trademark, without agreeing on its cost and the decision to sell with the other founders. How to protect yourself from other founders.

What to do if the sole founder of an LLC is declared incompetent?

Hello. Sole founder The LLC was declared incompetent. The son is the guardian. How to correctly formalize the decision to elect the director of an LLC for a new term.

What to do if a developer goes bankrupt and how to get your money back?

Good night! In 2014 DDU is concluded, 100% payment has been made, the contract is registered in Rosreestr. The developer's activities are insured by Investstrakh. I have an insurance policy in hand. In 2016 I have terminated the contract because... there was no house.

What responsibility does an individual bear when concluding an agreement to create an LLC?

Hello. I have never created a company or been a CEO. I worked for a certain person for quite a long time. He found me and offered me the position of general director. He says that I won’t be responsible for anything. Like we’ll sign a work contract. Is that true? .

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Online consultation with a corporate lawyer

To successfully resolve corporate problems, a number of legislative acts and regulations must be involved, including even some articles of the Russian Constitution. Therefore, a corporate law lawyer considers a case from several perspectives at once, which requires high qualifications and experience in this field.

There are a lot of situations related to corporate disputes:

  • bankruptcy of legal entities;
  • protection against raider attacks (hostile takeover);
  • opposition to company registration;
  • disagreements between shareholders and founders.

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Corporate lawyer - how to choose a corporate lawyer: 5 simple steps + professional services of a practicing lawyer in corporate disputes

Your company has created an entire legal department, but is it of little use? It seems that all lawyers are excellent guys with extensive work experience, but when it comes to financial or business issues, you have to attract additional resources - people with the appropriate education.

This state of affairs is unacceptable. Not only do you have to support several lawyers, but you also have to pay other specialists for their services. The result is low management efficiency and inflated staff costs.

A corporate lawyer will help you solve the problem. What kind of specialist is this and why he is able to replace an entire department of useless “office plankton”, I will tell you, Valery Chemakin, a legal consultant.

In addition, you will learn about the features of selecting such valuable “personnel” for work on an ongoing basis. If you only need to solve periodic problems, then read the review of companies that provide corporate lawyer services in the business field.

1. Who is a corporate lawyer?

Modern business requires constant legal support. After all, starting from the creation of an enterprise and ending with daily routine work, a manager is faced with complex problems. Solving them requires knowledge in several areas of not only law, but also economics, management, as well as an understanding of business processes.

Of no small importance for the success of a business is the ability to negotiate with partners and representatives of supervisory departments and authorities. It is unlikely that a general practice lawyer is capable of this. This is where you will need a corporate lawyer who must know and be able to do everything that I listed above.

What does a corporate lawyer do:

  • prepares the constituent documents of the enterprise;
  • maintains records of shareholders;
  • develops local legal acts;
  • optimizes business processes thanks to knowledge in economics;
  • organizes business protection from raider attacks;
  • represents his company in the arbitration court.

Economics for a corporate lawyer is of the same importance as jurisprudence, therefore, in order to obtain the appropriate knowledge, an existing specialist must undergo advanced training.

Many law schools today already train bachelors and masters in corporate law, where economics plays a large part in the curriculum.

2. What services does a corporate lawyer provide - TOP 5 main services

Today, not a single self-respecting company can do without the services of a corporate lawyer, whose job responsibilities are not limited to preparing contracts. If earlier a lawyer at a company was a small clerk carrying out the task of the boss, today he is a full-fledged manager belonging to the highest echelon.

Let's figure out what a corporate lawyer does in a modern company.

Service 1. Development of a decision-making procedure

Corporate legal work is an activity associated with the development and adoption of management decisions that are aimed at achieving the best results in business. Therefore, the lawyer, along with the company’s management, is responsible for its stable functioning.

It develops a decision-making procedure based on the existing economic, commercial and legal risks. Top managers listen to his opinion. The services of a corporate lawyer are especially in demand during periods of instability or increased risks of business takeover by third parties.

Service 2. Legal support of new projects

When developing new commercial projects, not only their economic, but also their legal justification is important. After all, even a very profitable business that carries increased legal risks cannot be implemented until its security is established at an acceptable level. This is also the task of a corporate lawyer.

He accompanies the entire project implementation process from start to finish. Only this approach will lead the company to success. After all, new initiatives often bring problems during their implementation. The lawyer’s task is to predict them and competently circumvent them.


The Yubileiny agricultural holding is engaged in beef cattle breeding and field farming, and also has its own sausage shop. At some point, the company decided to start a new business for itself, namely dairy production.

It would seem that everything was taken into account: we have our own fields, housing for livestock, the necessary equipment and resources. It was absolutely correct that management hired a corporate lawyer to calculate all the existing legal risks. It turned out that the existing fields were not able to feed the planned number of cows.

Need pastures. This is where a problem arises that only a lawyer could detect. To expand farmland, it is necessary to use a large share of federal lands, the status of which is almost impossible to change.

However, it turned out that there was another option - to transfer the lands of several abandoned villages to agricultural status. This is what the corporate lawyer did. As a result, the ambitious project was successfully implemented.

Service 3. Monitoring the implementation of laws

Modern legislation is so confusing and complex that company management is unable to keep all the nuances in mind. After all, the prosecutor’s office and other supervisory authorities are ready to “pick on” even the slightest violation in order to “cut down their daw.” The result is exorbitant fines and other sanctions.


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